

Climate policy and human ecology are world-changing for future university Bildung
August 31, 2022, 05:15 pm - 06:00 pm
Ball room - IASS - Potsdam


Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, born 1939, Honorary-President of the Club of Rome

Earlier stations: Professor of Biology, University President, Director UN Centre for Science and Technology for Development, New York, Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy, President, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy. 1998-2005 MP, Germany, Chair of the Bundestag Environment Committee. Dean, Bren School for Environmental Science and Management, UC Santa Barbara, California. Publications: 1994 Earth Politics. 1997 Factor Four (w/ A & H Lovins). 2010, Factor Five (w/ K. Hargroves et al).

Web: www.ernst.weizsaecker.de

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker,  talks about how climate policy and human ecology are world-changing for future university Bildung:

Climate policy and human ecology are world-changing for future university Bildung

Climate is a global issue. But action to reduce global warming tends to be local, at best national. Global action is possible but very complex. It requires fair international agreements. Fairness means all nations involved should benefit from the agreements, meaning the price they have to pay is seen as “fair”. Universities (and peer review journals) are in the habit of insisting on standardized methodology. Standard methodology tends to be simple, not complex. My talk presents some simple methods of promising climate policy but also addresses ways and means for complex approaches.

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker is considered one of the most important pioneers of sustainable development. As an expert on the environment, eco-efficiency and biology, his scientific, political and social work uniquely links the major issues of our time. Among other things, he was the long-standing chairman of the Association of German Scientists, co-president of the international Club of Rome, founding president of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, and Co-President of the International Resource Panel of the UNO-Environment Programme UNEP.


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