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- Zugriffe: 9787
Program Overview
Find more details about the sessions in the program schedule
Thursday, September 1st - Morning Sessions - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) – Villa & Bank-Building |
Location Time |
Villa – Ballroom |
Villa – Salon South |
Villa – Salon North |
Villa – Casino |
Bank Building – Canteen |
08:55-09:00 |
Morning Greeting: Conference Committee |
Broadcast on demand |
09:00-09:15 |
Co-Presidents Morning Address: Ortwin Renn |
Broadcast on demand |
09:15-09:45 |
Keynote (2): Jennifer Amparo (College of Human Ecology in the Philippines) |
Broadcast on demand |
09:45-09:50 |
Break |
09:50-11:05 |
Presentation Session 1 Climate Change Chair: F. Reusswig Contributions: H. Grassl, M. Medina, F. Reusswig, N. Torabi
Presentation Session 2 Art of Living Chair: N.N. Contributions: S. Carvalho & S. Maqsood, C. Fernandes, F, Reheis |
Open Space
Chairs: NN |
Workshop 1 Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage technologies Chair: K. Stavrianakis
Open Space
Chairs: NN |
11:05-11:20 |
Coffee Break |
11:20-12:35 |
Organized Section 1 Agenda 2030 Chair: L. Kruse Contributions: A. Franz-Balsen, B. Giesenbauer, L. Kruse, H. Kopnina, P. Teherani-Krönner |
Presentation Session 3 Radical Human Ecology Chair: NN Contributions: Z.P. Alföldi, S. Meyerricks, M.E. de Oliveira, J. Schooneveldt, A, Winther |
Small Roundtable 1 The Future of Human Ecology in Europe Co-Chairs: Serbser, Steiner, Pires
Workshop 1 Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage technologies Chair: K. Stavrianakis
Open Space
Chairs: NN |
12:35-12:40 |
Break |
12:40-13:10 |
Keynote (3): Thomas Schmaus (Alanus University), |
Broadcast on demand |
13:10-14:55 |
Lunch Break (Lunch packets on request) |
Exhibition & Poster Presentations Bank Building - Foyer |
Please take into account that the locations and times in the program are still open to change. Open Space Slots are still free for presentations and/or discussions
Take a look here for more details.
< Opening Program 2022-08-31 | Afternoon Program 2022-09-01 > |