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Unternehmen SU 2018
Sommeruniversität 2018
Unsere Partnerbetriebe während der Sommeruniversität 2018 |
- Wehrle Werk AG, Emmendingen (a regional family owned factory for environmental technologies, supports the ides to integrate a college in a living down town factory)
- Stadtplanungsamt Emmendingen, Improvement of the Baroque neighbourhood Karl Friedrich Street (reconstruction of the baroque houses and energy improvement)
- Stadtplanungsamt Emmendingen, Medieval Gardens in Emmendingen (reconstruction of the medieval gardens)
- Stadtplanungsamt Emmendingen, Birkle Bleiche Neighbourhood (carbon free improvement of a 50 years old settlement)
- Hospital-Networks³ GmbH, Ulrich Hentschel, Weinstock Neighbourhood (new houses for elder people in Emmendingen)
- Klaus Markus Hofmann, Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering – INATECH, University of Freiburg (sustainable transport systems)
- Regionalwert AG, Emmendingen (a regional shareholder trust to support start ups in green business)
- Rinklin Naturkost, Eichstätten (wholesaler of organic products, logistic of goods distribution, start up academy for organic distributers, shops and restaurants)
- Ziegenkäsemanufaktur „Monte Ziego“, Martin Buhl, Emmendingen (a zero vaste and zero emission cheese dairy factory, logistic of inbound milk collection)
- Weinbau Burkhart, Malterdingen (organic viniculture, handmade vines, logistic of distribution)
- Demetergärtnerei Querbeet, Eichstätten (Demeter, biodynamic horticulture, logistic of operation control and distribution)
further partners (from last summer universities):
- Life Food GmbH Taifun, Freiburg (tofu and vegan producer)
- Agrano GmbH, Riegel (organic yeast factory)
- Slow Food, Metzgerei Peter Dirr, Endingen (Slow Food butchery)
- „Die Tafel“, Peter Dreßen, Emmendingen (charity organization collecting food)