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Corona Management
FtF Rules for Management Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
During the conference from August 31 to September 3, 2022, the following rules for handling the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) will apply.
The conference is held according to the 2G+ principle for others' and self-protection. Admission is granted for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. In addition, we ask all participants to make a quick test in the morning before the start of the conference with negative result.
This eliminates the obligation to wear an FFP2 mask during the conference. Of course you can still wear a mask during the conference if you like.
In order to be able to perform the quick tests in the morning before the conference, e.g. in the hotel, all participants will be provided with an appropriate number of quick test kits at the registration table.
We trust that all participants will perform the test with due care and notify us of a positive test result - an infection with the coronavirus. You can reach the conference team at the mobile number 0049 177 5439678.
If you are infected, please isolate yourself and do not participate in the conference live. Online participation is of course still possible.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Keep well.
Your conference team