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The European College of Human Ecology (COHE) International Online Program 2021
Joachim Schütz, Economist, CH-8572 Guntershausen, Schweiz, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Going Full Circle
One of the main challenges using an evolutionary systems framework is the fact that every element of any co-evolutionary system should employ both a marginal (individual) and a holistic perspective. Depending in the priority given, actions will be different. Currently, our cultures favour the individual perspective, even if the systemic perspective has the potential to be both ecologically and economically superior. The presentation argues, that by using the Medicin Wheel as an example for a more holistic decision making process it will be possible to honor both the individual as well as the systemic perspective as valid viewpoints. Taking this road, one may realize, that any holistic decision taken can never be understood as an optimum but rather as a balance of the imperfect. It thus always constitutes a value-conscious position.
Joachim is head of alex2020 gmbh focusing on the promotion of BioDiversity. He started as an internationally trained economist arguing for the reintroduction of ethical values in economic theory. In the early 90s he joined Dieter Steiner’s Human Ecology Group at the ETH in Zurich focusing on economics, ethics and biodiversity. Later on he worked as chief economist and CIO in Finance, and held various teaching assignments in Switzerland and Germany.