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Proprieteurs and Shareholders of the European College of Human Ecology gGmbH
Dr. Wolfgang H. Serbser |
Born in 1954 Wolfgang has studied fine arts at the University of Kassel, continued with sociology, politics, psychology and law at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. Graduated 1979 as Dipl. soz. at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. Doctor in philosophy at the Technische Universitaet Berlin in 1997. Research fellow and assistant lecturer at the Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, the Technische Universitaet Dortmund and the Technische Universitaet Berlin in general sociology and in urban, rural and environmental sociology. Assistant professor for sociology and human ecology at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Since 2006 owner of a project and science consulting agency ProWB in Berlin. Since 2017 he is managing director and academic dean of the European College of Human Ecology. From 2000 to 2017 he was treasurer and member of the executive board of the German society for Human Ecology (DGH) and speaker of the foundation council of the European College for Human Ecology. In 2004 Charter member of the Council for European Urbanism and member of the executive board of the homonymous German section (C.E.U.D.) since then. Since 2006 member of the board at large of the Society for Human Ecology (SHE). Active member of the Association of German Scientists (VDW) since 2015. Current main research topics are Human Ecology in the Chicago Tradition, New Curricula for Human Ecology Higher Education, Transdisciplinary Research, Urbanity and Human Ecology. |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Steiner |
Born 1932. Studies at the University of Zurich with a major in geography and minors in geology, biology and mathematics. Ph.D. 1960. Specialization in remote sensing, later in quantitative methods (statistics mainly). Held positions at the University of Chicago, the University of Zurich and the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada). Chair of quantitative geography at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich from 1975 until the retirement in 1998. Founded a group of human ecology in 1985 that did interdisciplinary research, looking at the human-environment problem from a social sciences and humanities perspective, and taught courses within the environmental sciences curriculum. Editor or co-editor of three books on human ecological topics and author of biographies of John Muir and Rachel Carson. Member of the Committee for a European College of Human Ecology of the German Society for Human Ecology (DGH). Personal website (in German): www.humanecology.ch |
Former shareholders |
Dr. Klaus Markus Hofmann |
Klaus Markus Hofmann, 1958, Lörrach is a founding member of the European School of Human Ecology in Emmendingen. He directs the NETWORK Institute for Infraculture and Sustainability and is a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg and Senior Research Fellow at the Berlin Innovation Center for Mobility and Social Change (InnoZ). Hofmann studied economics and human ecology in Gothenburg, Sweden, graduating as a civil economist. He has been a member of the German Society for Human Ecology since 1990 and researches, teaches and publishes on the development of networked infrastructure systems, commons and sustainable mobility. In his PhD at the University of Leipzig, he is investigating the development of infrastructure networks as modern commons.
Prof. apl. Dr.
After completing a banking apprenticeship, Andreas Nebelung studied agricultural sciences and international agricultural development with a focus on agricultural and environmental sociology in Gießen and Berlin. He received his doctorate and habilitation in agricultural and environmental sociology in Giessen. He taught as a private lecturer at the JLU Giessen and the University of Marburg. Between 1999 and 2003, his empirical research focused on the sociology of waste. From this he developed a five-volume "Ecological Sociology" with Andreas Bodenstedt. A methodological-aesthetic introduction ("Zwischenräume") was followed by "Grundbegriffe und Kontexte" ("Basic Concepts and Contexts"), the "Abfall der Gesellschaft" ("Waste in Society") as well as an "Agrarian Cultural Sociology" and a volume on "Ecological Theories". Since 2005 he has been an adjunct professor at the JLU Giessen. His current work focuses on "Aesthetic Theory and Practice" and "Environmental Education". He lives with his wife and four children in Freiburg im Breisgau. |